
Assessing the commitments and practices of food companies in France for a healthier food environment. Available in English and French

Food companies‘ commitments and practices on food environments and population nutrition in Belgium: A detailed Assessment. Available in English,French and Dutch.

A healthy food environment requires measures from society (2022). Available in Finnish

Evaluation of Finland’s food policy and environment proposals for measures to develop the food environment (2022). Available in Finnish

Preventing obesity across Europe: A call to action. See here

Food industry commitments and practices to improve population nutrition across Europe. Findings of a BIA-Obesity analysis and implications for nutrition policies in Europe (forthcoming)

STOP & PEN Briefing: Government policies to create healthy food environments across Europe: Findings of a Food-Epi analysis across 11 countries and the European (forthcoming)

Recommendations for multi-stakeholder engagement at the EU level (forthcoming)