World Café: let’s talk about childhood obesity

STOP, CO-CREATE, JA Best-ReMaP, and PEN are four European projects that address the global childhood obesity epidemic. Through innovative and rigorous research methods, the projects aim to generate new evidence and develop robust and sustainable findings, recognising that current interventions to curb the rise in child and adolescent obesity have failed. In 2020, a joint symposium was held to showcase the four projects’ innovative approaches to refine current obesity-related interventions (I) evidence-based policies, (II) accountability, and (III) youth engagement.

To build on the discussion, and welcome Joint Action Best-ReMaP as a partner, we will be hosting a World Café to present their progress to date. These 1-hour online briefings will be split into two series.

Series one:

These sessions will be held fortnightly and open to the public. Project leads from the STOP, JA Best-ReMAP, and PEN project will take turns and chair the different sessions.

All sessions will be followed by an interactive Q&A with the audience.

Confirmed dates:

  • Tuesday 15 June 2021, 15:00-16:00 CEST

Improving food and physical activity environments to build a stronger European Health Union

Register here.

  • Tuesday 29th June 2021, 13:00-13:00 CEST

Childhood obesity – what are the root causes of the growing pandemic?

Register here.

More information on future briefings, including the second half of the series in September 2021 will be announced soon.

Learn more about the partner projects involved in the cross collaboration here.